
Showing posts from 2014


NO WAY MAN!!!!!!!!! The 2 dance class bullies! So they created google accounts and started saying I liked Dylan and wanted to date him which isn't true so Emily is Julie's little friend and they have always found a way to be complete crap faces. Not to metion they are complete demons to me when I look at their faces they think their oh so cute and innocent but in reality they are a couple of demons they try acting sweet to everyone and picking of course it has to be me the girl who is always so unlucky to show off who those girls really are inside whenever their around their "Friends" they hide who they really are pretending to be all sweet every girl I tried warning about the fact Emily is mean and says stuff which is true about her and not me to everyone but almost everyone I met just says "Emily? No she's really nice" But 1 other girl knows that Emily is mean too she tried warning them but they refused but said "Julie is mean though" Yes the

A teen bully

So you know Miss. Holly my used to be ballet substitute teacher but I moved up so I have a different substitute and they all think I did things on purpose even when I got older cause I make the stupidest mistakes I'm so clumsy that my accidents look like I did them on purpose like trip over my laces 3 times, knock against the walls, fall into spaces, and fall over in a ballet postion we're forced to hold without the `barre so anyways, the 1st thing that went wrong was laying down, the teenagers were laying down getting massages and no teachers were aware so I thought since they were laying down we should get a right to so I laid down since I was tired I stayed up till 11 at night because I had to see a performance my friend Claire was performing at and it lasted 2 whole hours and on the way home I fell asleep in the car so I laid down maybe 30 seconds later Miss. Holly said "Helena get up!" like the way mom would say it I was like "Hey we should get as much as a

My stupid idiotic music teacher

Wanna know why I'm under a lot of stress? Because I was getting bullied by kids at choir? No worse. I was getting bullied by my MUSIC TEACHER. That's right you heard me, MUSIC TEACHER. I am under a lot of stress right now because of her, it started out in music class the first disrespectful thing she did was when I was facing one girls side cause everyone had a partner Cara already did but the music teacher had me turn around and face Cara's back which didn't make any sense to me so I was like "What?" and she rudely said "Just do what I tell you to do okay!!!!!!!!" Since she was an adult there wasn't much I could do other than hide the pain she created inside me. Then I was up against the wall and by hand was sliding by and turned the light switch off by mistake and the music teacher got all mad and said in front of everyone looking at me "Helena why would you do that?" I got nervous and finally said "I um... I t-turned the light o

Harassment with people who just don't understand cheaters.

Okay this pisses me off like this is driving me nuts no one understands Reggie is the mean bully the cheater I even had a pic of his cheating and his excuses for doing so but NO!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone has to harass me about this dumb crap! Be on the stupid ghetto Reggie's side! If any of y'all have these issues I'll help but right now I'm pretty busy and pissed with these people See he sent that to a girl while we were still dating oh and another thing he fell for this girl lying about the fact I was flirting with a guy named Remy maybe he liked so he fell for her he also lied to me about his friend hacking I could tell because all his friends have accounts and he would have wooped their butt and he said his girlfriends name was Irl and that's the most made up name I ever heard in my entire life he is a real cheater cause he had a girlfriend while dating  +Grazilda Greens  I just kept quiet until Grazilda found out about the whole thing and Reggie said she never li

The creepy slumber party!

Okay so I had my late birthday celebration and everyone went home... Then later at night we decided to call upon bloody Mary okay so we made mistakes doing it we did one with only 2 candles but we needed 3 so we did 1 with the water on and one with the water off and after we did we were in the game room. Claire decided to go to the restroom which is the bathroom we called upon bloody Mary it was my bathroom! So me and Cara went down stairs and tried to see if we could get a quick snack while Claire was gone at the restroom we came back up and saw Claire laying down frozen and breathing heavily. We asked her what was wrong and she didn't reply but we kept asking and she finally responded with something that scared the life out of all of us. She said on her way out of my restroom she saw something from my old rose petal cottage and she said she saw red glowing eyes with a lady that looked like a drunk attic she had very dark purple hair and purple lips with yellow teeth and diamond e

My 2 best friends fighting over who's better

Okay so I am so irritated right now my friend Cara was the first one to point out the fact I liked Claire better than her but that's not true it's just because Cara is busy with softball and sometimes Claire just needs to get out of her house but anyways Cara isn't as sensitive about it as Claire is. Claire thinks I like Cara better than her because she's prettier and nicer and funner and that's not true I like them both the same their both pretty and nice and fun nobody is better than another I think Claire just thinks I judge people how they dress and look but no I judge them by their personality and if their fun to hangout with but Claire just kept saying yesterday in the bathrooms "Helena you don't have to lie to me I completely understand why you like Cara better than me it's my fault for over reacting" because she sorta did when I tried explaining to her that when I came up on the 2nd floor of the church we were performing at I yelled "C

Ballet disaster

Well you know I'm in a hard level of ballet, I don't have pointy shoes and all no. But it's when you have to learn to posse' on your tip toes and take a risk of letting go of the barre' and I'm not good at that at all so I took my risk like the teacher asked us to do but my credit was this I was wobbling and fell straight onto my butt and it was a hard landing so I got up and said "I'm not doing this again"  then the assistant teacher came up to me I thought she wanted to fix how I was standing so I gave her a little smile but no! Instead she came up to me and said "Helena, I know you did that on purpose okay don't do it again or I'll have a talk with your mother" then I was like thinking to my self "Really lady? You thought I did that on purpose? If you do your dead wrong I so did not I will slap the crap out of you!" So to make sure that lady knew I meant business I kept giving her glares everytime she looked at me ha

Sha su another bully to deal with

Okay so I know I talk so much about people bullying me and people do bully me but the fact is the bullies always say I'm the bully when it's not true in a matter of fact sha su decided the worst decision yet and that was to join into the lying bullies side! And seriously? That girl doesn't make any sense she needs to grow up and suck it all up with a vacum cleaner because that b**ch does not wanna mess with me she's a total bully I mean she lies about me she's a big fat liar! I mean really why are kids so rude these days I mean come on why does this have to happen to me Helena Edwards? Nobody cares and this girl obvouisly doesn't understand a thing about our fight so she better understand what I'm trying to say or stay out of it cause she said I was being an idiot about me saying Reggie cheated on me and he freaking did so I don't know why she says I'm the one acting like a idiot all I said was Reggie is cheating on me then that's when it all sta

I hate puburty (Inappropriate for kids under 9 years old)

Yes,yes, I know puburty is your chance of transferring into a woman and out growing your babyish flat chest  and how getting your period helps with having babies in the future that's what I love about puburty but what I really hate about it is the discharge and discharge helps with sex but it is really sticky! It sticks to your vagina and it bothers the crap out of you! So I have wet wipes and I always try to hide wiping my self cause we're not allowed to use the restroom and so I have to wipe it cause I don't put up with stuff bothering me it feels like I can't even stretch my legs! So my music teacher caught me doing it and she comes up and she's like "No ma'm" in front of my friend! and I'm thinking seriously? You did that in front of my friend? So I guess she never experienced this kind of botherness cause nobody gets bothered as much as I do.... so she clearly doesn't understand. And that dumb bell teacher had totally told the runner o

Some annoying boy who probably likes me

So I was in the shallow end of my swim team pool minding my own business I was almost touching the other end and some boy who was the same speed as me had totally shoved me out of the way and cut in front of me on purpose! It was on purpose because when I said "Excuse me but that's considered rude" and he just replied with "Your stupid" and I'm like "Well you act like your 5 years old" him making no sense when he replied with "You act like your 1 year old" and I said "Well I don't wear diapers and drink bottles do I?" and he said "You act like it" I said "Well you started it so your the one who acts like a toddler I'm more mature than you" he's like "No I'm more mature than you your immature" I laughed and said "How could you ever be mature you totally cut in front of me to be mean you call that mature?" I was guessing his meaning of mature was actually immature cause he

What to do when you babysit and all the kid wants to do is the same old thing

Help! My name is Taylor Rose and I love to babysit. But the thing is when I do I always babysit this one 2 year old toddler boy and all he wants to do is play blocks. That's it! So everytime I suggest something like how about we go to the park instead? He says no all he wants to do is sit around playing blocks! I see the problem here! I babysit a 2 year old toddler girl and sometimes all she wants to do is crawl,play with markers,or look through a mail slot. Maybe suggest something similar to the toddler. Like "Do you want to play a game?" or "Do you wanna color?" or "Do you wanna ride on your trycicle?" A park is a good suggestion but maybe to the kid playing blocks is more fun. And I know it makes you want to scream. Try bringing something more amusing than blocks. 

Why does everyone hate me? :,-(

Guys I am crying. Trying to write this so bear with me! Okay so it started with a girl named Brooke. And she said girly girls were full of crap. So I was defending my self cause I am a girly girl saying "Hey well tom boys drool then" then everyone pounced on top of me then a girl named Emily L. starts insulting me for defending my self! She was calling me an ugly boy face and saying she should take a pic of me to show everyone how ugly I am! And so my ex friend Jenny starts insulting me too! Badly! So I know I shouldn't have said it and I'm so sorry Jenny! But I said I'm glad her parents beat her up. And I know it was mean but the stress I mean you wouldn't understand! Then my boyfriend  +Reggie the Hedgehog  Just he decides to be a butt hole and he just calls me a slut and a whore and I over react he's the worst boyfriend a girl could ever have! I am so getting tired of this. My friend Bree made a video about Emily L. trying to put a stop saying "

What do you when you feel alone in being bullied

Help! My name is Brianna and I feel alone I'm getting bullied called fat and stupid and I have no friends but everyone else I know does have friends I'm thinking about cutting. I hate how I have no friends at all and nobody likes me. I am alone and left out I cry almost everyday and I get beaten up and I don't know what to do I want someone to help me! I am alone! WHY!!!!!!!! Hey! Of course your not alone! Lots of people around the world get bullied I am even bullied but I am strong enough not to listen to people like those! You can't let people walk all over you you're using your self as a door mat. Standing up for your self is most likely to stop a bully if they even lay a finger on you that's when you start going into attack mode ASAP! If they're trying to beat you up punch them and kick them and do all you can you stop them and once you do run to the princapls office and run fast!Even if no running is allowed in the hall way. You need to get away fro

What to do when you don't know what to say to annoying boys

Help! My name is Ruby and I'm 10 I was in swim team the other day and these group of boys like 9-10 were going all sarcastic "Hi Ruby!" Like they could care less. And I'm guessing it's because I'm ugly or stupid or something wrong with me but it was a mistake to come the time I did. I wanted to be with my best friends but no! Instead I'm stuck with annoying mean boys!~Lonely and sad Hey Ruby! Don't say that about your self! They aren't laughing at you like that cause your stupid and ugly they might like you and feel stupid to say it. It's normal at your age for boys who like you to be that way. Don't worry when you get older boys will treat you nice instead. I know it feels stupid but try to ignore it or if it really hurts your feelings say "Wow that's so very mature of you how old are you (put in their age) or 2 years old?" I'm also your age. The same happens to me. I know it hurts but think about how they might like

I wonder when the drama is ever going to end.

Well my mom caught me cussing at the bullies so I was grounded for 1 week and a week was so hard for me I could see lies people were saying about me and everything. So Savannah started this drama up last freaking month. And it's not ending. And I don't want people to think i'm the bully when I'm not so that's why i'm not ignoring her cause she'll accuse me of things she really did and pretend like she's all upset!! I just hate it when people fall for her FAKE innocent side! But I'm lucky I have more people on my side than her side. This drama is getting real popular, I mean on a mean girls picking on me and my friends video I made my friends are commenting saying "OMG f you bullies" and "I'm here to fight!" and "Eww that little turd Savannah" that's how popular it's getting I have more comments on that video than any other video I ever made. And I find all these comments on posts Savannah made about me like m

Being Jealous everyone does it once and a while.

Okay so in swim team. I had just brought a new swim cap that said "Girls rule the pool" And I was hoping my mom would buy me a kitty cat one but she just got me that swim cap along with a pink mesh bag which I was luckey cause pink is my fave color and then along with pink tennis balls needed and a pink kick board and a pink pull buoy. So my mom bought me a pink brand new swim cap even though I already had one. But hoping for a cat one and my mom told me "When we find one we'll buy one" So I had to deal with it or else my mom's complaining about being thankful for what you get went on. So a couple weeks later I see a girl coming in early for her time in swim team just when I was about to leave. And she had on a purple or pink cat swim cap. I got so jealous I'm not a bully or anything but I kicked in her pull buoy and let it float away when she wasn't looking. I didn't wanna say anything mean cause then that would really make me a bully. But I did

Don't listen to Savannah Rules

Savvy thinks she can get me to loose friends and she did. I have lost my friend Stephanie. Cause Stephanie just got so tired of Savvy she just decided to leave things up to us and ignore the bullies. But it would have been worse if I ignored the bullies. Cause even though I stand up for my self  people still go "Oh really? Wow she's a total bi**h!" And nobody believes me thanks to her! I think she's all part of an evil plan. Cause there was a girl named Madison Ruby who got on at first and Madison Ruby killed her self after a fight we were in. But she bullied me. CYBER bullied me. So I heard she killed her self cause she was depressed cause I never told her to kill her self all the bullies are gossiping around saying I did. I mean lots of people on g+ hate me and I dunno why. But I hate Savvy more than anything! Cara just decided to be nice and be Savvy's friend instead and I already tried being nice to Savvy but Savvy didn't care. So then when I say "No

What to do when you get in trouble for standing up for your self

OMG my name is Isabella I'm 12 and I'm secretly on my phone while sitting in a corner. I knew exactly where to go for help! So these 2 boys threw pencils and paper at my head and they were like "LOSER! YOU STINK!" Then I was like " Well your fat meanies no one cares about" So I dunno why the teacher only heard what I SAID so the boys looked innocent while she orderdered me to sit down in a corner because we were gonna do a science project and it sounded fun and now I'm gonna miss it! HELP! ~ Why me? Well Isabella I may only be 10 and you may only be 2 years older than me but I am used to this kind of stuff. Teasing in person is different than teasing online. If they say that and throw stuff at you ignore it or be calm and don't yell. But if what they did hurt you you need to tell a teacher. Maybe some of your friends would call you a cry baby for doing it or the bullies but you still need to before it leads into hurting you worse. If you don

What to do when someone calls you a bully when you stand up for your self

HELP!!! My name is Claire and I am just like you I know the difference between bullying and defending your self. And earlier today a girl slammed me into my locker. And then I said to my self " Defending your self is the right thing you can let them walk all over you!!" So I went and grabbed her and I told her in front of these kids "That was not nice and you better say you're sorry!" and one girl said "Why'd you grab her by her shirt you're so rude you're such a bully!" Then I said "But she did it first she slammed me into my locker" then another said "Still being mean is bullying if she slammed you into your locker too bad just walk away and take it" Then I burst into tears running down the hall because every where I went everyone would never learn the difference between bullying and defending your self and I don't wanna be a stupid coward I wanna look and feel the same way I always have! :,-( Wow! The same hap

Oh-no here we go again swim team tryouts

OH-NO! I have tryouts again today! I am gonna freak! The pool I try out in starts at 6 feet then dips really steep down to 14 feet! That's right I said 14 feet deep! And I mean the last tryout I had was like June 30th and I was so scared I had to go to slightly shallower pool that was 8 feet now I have to get ready for 14 OMG! I hope I make it! Anyways I hope I have less fear than last time saying is I went to 8 in a half feet for 3 weeks before I had to take time off but today is the day! I think I'll make it! Every day I've been trying to picture my self in 14 feet! Not being scared because I've been there done that! Yea I'm sure some of you who haven't been on swim team or a pool that deep would be just as scared as I was that first time. it's at 5:30 PM-6:30 PM so I have hours to wait it's only 10:40 AM right now so I'll have to build up courage over the hours. And the part that makes it even worse. It's indoors pool so it is dark and dee

Do you really know what a bully is?

If you KNOW IT ALLS think I'm a bully you're wrong. You're know it alls who think you know who a bully is but you don't. A bully is someone who makes a person feel bad so they can have happiness and act like they rule the world and over react. A defender like me is not a bully. It's a person who is strong and not a coward who never tells anybody to leave them alone. A defender tells that bully who is boss and so that bully will leave them alone. They are only nice to people who are nice to them. And that would be me. A coward is a person who never stands up for them self they're scared and weak. And need a friend to help them. But me I don't wanna be a coward. No matter what anyone says "You're a bully just admit it" I will never EVER stop defending my self. It's a good part of me and no other human can ever change anything about me! I don't make people feel left out I don't try to make someone cry on purpose that's a bully.And

A message to bigg

Hey bigg you haven't said anything in the last 4 weeks so I was wondering what is going on with you. If you hate me or what. But you've been leaving every single hangout,have signed out of hangouts, and stayed off google+ I mean come on dude. I mean are you trying to stay away from me or what? Did someone tell you don't to ever talk to me? You see you can tell me the truth here. I don't need this crap anymore. Boy you better get chow ass back on here. I mean is there REALLY something wrong with me???????????? Because to me there is. You've been ignoring me for 1 month!!!!! I had even had night mares about you! I had night mares I missed a hangout with you with everybody I knew on hangouts but me! I really want you to get back on. It's been for ever! I hope it doesn't take a year! Please! You've left every hangout, signed out of hangouts, now I cannot talk. What did we do? Just please respond to this post at least. You always ignore me!

I'm back with the good and the bad

Okay good news first since I hate to be so negative all the time because my life is getting harder. Okay so the good news is that my friend I met in Summer camp Cara is gonna see me next month and I'll be trying to go back to that 14 feet in swim team next month as well. And the bad... Well Isabel you know that mean girl? Yes I hated her attitude but didn't mean I wanted her to critasize her self and she keeps going on about saying "I'm just a problem to everyone I just wanna kill my self" But I don't want her to. Yet she keeps insisiting. Why is my life so messed up? Then we have non stop people calling me a bully for defending my self. That's judging a book by it's cover again you people! And yes I will have a big mouth when I'm sassing someone for doing mean things I'm not a person who goes "Wa ha ha! wa ha ha!" NOOOOOOOOOOO! HECK FREAKING NOOOOO! AND THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M GONNA DO! I AM STRONG AND I DON'T WANNA! And this

This is why you never be friends with Miranda

This is why you never be friends with  +miranda bruce  her profile may look innocent once you click on the tag  +miranda bruce  but it's not don't follow her though  because that girl has problems. And I'm not lying. Don't believe me? Watch this video. And Layla is the biggest brat I've EVER met because she says things that actually go out to her. I don't want any of you being friends with her because she'll keep you and say un true things about me and act like she never did anything. She'll also wanna keep you to brag about not to really like you she just has friends to brag about. And I told Layla a secret that Miranda told me about Layla and Layla didn't believe me! Really? How stupid! How else would I know if Miranda didn't tell me? I mean come on she just is a joke they're set up's they're friend ship was an evil lying plan not a real heart filled friend ship those wanna be's just find mean things to say about me they'r


OMG some new girls called Skylar, Sara,and AGsuperstars are acting like I'm mean. I'm NOT mean for the last time! I defend my self! I don't know how many times I gotta say it! But no! People gotta be jerks and say only the cowards are nice. That's not true! People who stand up for them selves are rare people but does that make them mean? NO! And the only reason I sweared at Sklyar was because she took it from what it looked like instead and said I was being mean to Isabel when Isabel was being mean to me! All I was doing was defending my self! And she said she was UN following me and following bully Isabel! And no! I don't assume people are bullies I KNOW! Because Jenny and Emily from ballet class were mean because they were bossy and I could hear them gossiping about me half the time other times Isabel me and Stephanie KNOW she's a bully because since Isabel couldn't get her way on chats she decided to call my friend a b**ch for no reason all because she co

What to do when you get embarassed

HELP! My name is Candy and I got embarassed in front of my crush in class. I'm a 8th grader and I don't know what my crush will think of me now. I was gonna pass a paper air plane to my crush because prom is the next day and I wanted to ask him out but there wasn't any talking in class but instead I threw scissors at him cause I wasn't paying attention then everyone turned around looking at me like "What's wrong with you?" And the teacher sent me to the office and I had to explain everything to him but some other kids were sitting there saying "She did it on purpose!" Which wasn't true I kept saying "No it was a mistake I swear!" I told her about how I was gonna throw a paper airplane at him to ask him our for prom but she didn't believe me so I got in huge trouble. HELP! Hey. I may not be in control of what the office decides but try telling your mom that you weren't paying any attention to what you were gonna throw. Yo

I hate swim moments like this!

OMG! Why me? Breast stroke was too hard. And I could do legs but arms NO. So I thought I was doing fine. And my top swim coach had to teach the swim class with my little sis in it so my girl coach had to teach us. This one girl who looked 11-12 kept swimming faster than me so honestly I didn't care but anyway, So after doing breast stroke I came back from doing 2 laps of that and all of the sudden my girl coach said "Come here we'll work with Reese with our breast stroke arms I thought to my self "UGA UGA! Now I have to go to the stupid side with the little kids in it!" While the rest got to do a 25 of ketchup drill. UGA UGA! I loved Ketchup drill that's something I was good at but NO! I had to work with my least fave the breast stroke. And it took me like 30 tries to get the darn thing right. And the worst part was all the little kids were sitting there staring at me like "What's that big kid doing over here?" I wanted to scream at the top of m

Isabel the butt head

Isabel is a butt head she thinks she's so perfect and she has a crush on a mean guy Devon and she doesn't care if he's mean she tells us to shut up and she said "I'll tell everyone not to like you" LOL yea right girl drama diaries is on YouTube and blogger I don't think so! She's a bully and she started it with name calling and then Devon is on Isabel's side which makes no sense what so ever and those 2 are crushing on each other and Isabel since she's 13 she made a comment saying she pushed me down she's mean nobody should like her if some girl says "Helena is rude hate her" Don't believe her yea she is rude and immature I dunno why she would expect me to be nice to her since she called my friend a b**ch who does she think she is? With that boy friend of hers? Yea that's her. You can push anybody so (Pushes her back) Ha ha! I am good at pushing. It's her that's the bully not me. She's rude. And my friend S

My swim team coach

Some of you know the blog "Not so good swim team try outs" my Helena Edwards account was deleted I'll tell you later. I didn't do anything bad. Well this guy is pretty good for a swim coach he gets his swimmers to do what they're told. He does yell pretty loud and CLAIM he's so deaf it isn't even funny. LOL yea right. He really wants people to get going though. The day I met him and he yelled at a swimmer for talking I knew he meant business. But i'm in a camp for 3 weeks to get ready for swim team when I'm really on the team. The pool I'm using right now for 45 minute camp goes up to 8 in a half feet deep. So it starts at 5 feet. The swim team indoor pool starts at 6 feet and ends at 14 feet. THAT DEEP END! FRICK! It was darn deep some girl told me she's able to touch the bottom of 14 I can barely make down at 8 feet! Yes 8 in a half feet scared me none. I touched to bottom multiable times. And it's pretty deep it dips a little cause o

What to do when you're not allowed to wear bikini's

Help! My name is Bonnie and I can't wear a bikini. All because my mom thinks I'll get a boy friend. Really I don't like boys so NO! But she insists. She gets to wear..... THONG BIKINI'S! That's my mom. She also wears boob bikini's. Sometimes both together. But honestly I hate one pieces and rash guards! They're so ugly! And babyish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP! Hey Bonnie oh bad luck eh? Well here's the thing I have 2 answers to your 1 question! Answer number 1: Wear a tankini they're like bikini's ONLY they cover up your tummy the top is like wearing a tank top and the bottoms are like wearing panties. Answer number 2: If you're not allowed to wear that either try a monokini. They're one pieces but more grown up kind. They show off sides and back. But you might wanna wear the kid ones. So if this doesn't work let me know. Your friend Helena  :-) Published In June

Something happened to my 3 accounts.:-(

Hey guys. I cannot re post all the blogs I posted. I can re post the advice. But YouTube did something I didn't do anything bad so I had to re create this. So Please sub back to my girl drama diaries account and my Helena Katy I'm Helena Katy now. So please subscribe there subscribers of Helena Edwards and girl drama diaries. Please comment down below and let me know if you've subbed or not. But you NEED to comment to let me know. I'll repost a few things. So yea I'll repost a few things but not my complaints.