A teen bully

So you know Miss. Holly my used to be ballet substitute teacher but I moved up so I have a different substitute and they all think I did things on purpose even when I got older cause I make the stupidest mistakes I'm so clumsy that my accidents look like I did them on purpose like trip over my laces 3 times, knock against the walls, fall into spaces, and fall over in a ballet postion we're forced to hold without the `barre so anyways, the 1st thing that went wrong was laying down, the teenagers were laying down getting massages and no teachers were aware so I thought since they were laying down we should get a right to so I laid down since I was tired I stayed up till 11 at night because I had to see a performance my friend Claire was performing at and it lasted 2 whole hours and on the way home I fell asleep in the car so I laid down maybe 30 seconds later Miss. Holly said "Helena get up!" like the way mom would say it I was like "Hey we should get as much as a right as they get to lay down that's not fair!" So their gonna torture the kids by making them sit on hard walls and a concrete floor while the teenagers got to lay down on nice carpet getting massages closing their eyes looking relaxed. Then Miss. Holly told us we couldn't talk to our friends but oh guess what I see? Miss. Holly the teenage girl talking with her friends and laughing loudly like seriously
Then when we got in line ready to show off our dance to the elders Piper was complaining how she was squished but I didn't expect her to be moved cause I was focusing on what the teacher was saying for the intro and then as soon as Miss.Hope pulled Piper out of the way I fell right into the book case not knowing Piper moved from there and Miss.Hope the teenager was acting like it was on purpose and thinking she could act like an adult saying "Helena no ma'm!" in a sharp voice it was so sharp I was shocked she was only 13 and she was telling an 11 year old what to do! It's like me telling a 9 year old what to do! She wasn't boss!She acted like a strict teacher who thought every kid did stuff on purpose and took no excuse I hate teachers like that who just assume what the kid did and not let the kid really tell what they did cause their "Excuses" Yea right kids can speak up for what's right, but her she wasn't a teacher she was 13 and should have minded her own business because if she did she wouldn't have snapped at me like because she didn't know if it was on purpose I did it on accident so yea that's the exact reason she should have minded her own business. I didn't say anything because she used to be my substitute but she wasn't doing her job at the time her job at the time was listening to her teachers and focusing on that not focusing on being something she is at the dance place she's no longer my substitute anyways so I was scared she would say to Mrs.Amy the owner of the dance place that I fell into a bookcase on purpose which isn't at all true and Mrs.Amy would place me in babyish time out without me getting to spit my word out. Miss.Holly has lots of brothers and sisters to boss around but still it's wrong to treat kids you barely know around like that like your their teacher and your in charge I'm sure her brothers and sisters are used to her being like that but me? Heck no! My big sister can be mean but she has never been that mean!


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