NO WAY MAN!!!!!!!!! The 2 dance class bullies! So they created google accounts and started saying I liked Dylan and wanted to date him which isn't true so Emily is Julie's little friend and they have always found a way to be complete crap faces. Not to metion they are complete demons to me when I look at their faces they think their oh so cute and innocent but in reality they are a couple of demons they try acting sweet to everyone and picking of course it has to be me the girl who is always so unlucky to show off who those girls really are inside whenever their around their "Friends" they hide who they really are pretending to be all sweet every girl I tried warning about the fact Emily is mean and says stuff which is true about her and not me to everyone but almost everyone I met just says "Emily? No she's really nice" But 1 other girl knows that Emily is mean too she tried warning them but they refused but said "Julie is mean though" Yes they at least have their eyes open enough to see that 1 of those demons is not at all nice. But I wish everyone had their eyes all the way open to see those 2 demons are mean and pretend to be sweet, I don't even know how those girls do it their only freaking 7 years old all their friends hate me because of the gossip they've been spreading around to these people I bet whenever their friends hear about this kind of stuff Emily and Julie will be all like "Oh I don't know what their talking about I would never do that!!" Yea right Julie and Emily show off who you really are you can't hide it forever I heard from another girl who is friends with them actually said she did NOT enjoy being friends with Julie and Emily because she went to their house once and 1 of them was saying "Only one person can be in my room at a time!" in a really bossy voice. I could only imagine.
But she said she had no choice meaning she's letting these dumb girls younger than her take complete control over her girls older than them are scared of them that's just sad. I heard whenever Emily and Julie's friends go to each others houses Emily has high school big sisters their are 2 of them whenever her friends read her diary once she started crying like a little baby which is what she is. Then Avery she pretends she's friends with all of us in dance class and played a game with us once but, whenever I try talking to her she ignores me like a bi*ch she gives me a look then goes to the barre 1 day I suddenly knew that she was bullying me because I think 2 girls thought I farted when I didn't realize I just made a farting sound with my mouth so one girl in front of me was like "Stop it!!!" And Avery behind the girl that was behind me said "Yea Helena it's not funny" And I said "You know what? That wasn't funny so just leave me alone!!!" Then I pouted on the barre I didn't want these 2 girls thinking I thought farting was funny like a 5 year old would think so. So after jazz class I told Avery "Look, I do not think farting was funny the fart noise was an accident." Then a few seconds after I walked away she said "Well you did it more than once." I paused, I thought to myself for a second "What is this crazy girl talking about?? I did it only once and it was an accident!!!" So I said frozen "No I didn't....." I just grabbed my bag took my water bottle and got the crap out of that place. Avery had shrivled up old granny fingers and toes so I wouldn't talk if I were her. So while we were waiting in line at the nutcracker there was this hallway I could have sworn someone was going down so I got into this wooden shelf roller thingy and tried to see if I could scare someone for fun and I saw Avery and a few of my classmates coming down the hall and all of them said "Helena!" Avery at first said "Helena get out of there!!!" then she was like "Wait stay there" Then I saw she told everyone to look at me in there cause some people to my surprise I saw Emily!!!!They were laughing I thought "How dare that stupid butt head!!!"That's probably how Avery and Emily teamed up in the first place!
And then on our way out to be next on stage I almost tripped over my own feet I laughed and Avery turned around and said "Stop Helena it's not funny." I was thinking to myself "Oh what is it this time the arabians song? Ridculous why would I laugh at that?" So I told her "Avery, I wasn't laughing at that I was laughing at me almost tripping over my own feet" Then Avery just gave me a look flicking her hand back into my face I got so mad I wanted to slap her. Just don't fall for these girls if you want real friends join me and my friends.


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