My stupid idiotic music teacher

Wanna know why I'm under a lot of stress? Because I was getting bullied by kids at choir? No worse. I was getting bullied by my MUSIC TEACHER. That's right you heard me, MUSIC TEACHER. I am under a lot of stress right now because of her, it started out in music class the first disrespectful thing she did was when I was facing one girls side cause everyone had a partner Cara already did but the music teacher had me turn around and face Cara's back which didn't make any sense to me so I was like "What?" and she rudely said "Just do what I tell you to do okay!!!!!!!!" Since she was an adult there wasn't much I could do other than hide the pain she created inside me. Then I was up against the wall and by hand was sliding by and turned the light switch off by mistake and the music teacher got all mad and said in front of everyone looking at me "Helena why would you do that?" I got nervous and finally said "I um... I t-turned the light off....." and she's like "Uh-huh" like a I don't believe you uh-huh. She told me "I am gonna tell whoever is picking you up about this." she made me so mad inside and created some pain inside me too everyone was looking at me while my hands slowly slipped across my face and I started sweating and then I slapped myself for being so careless! How could I have been stupid enough to even not see the light switch? I felt so dumb and Cara caught me saying "Helena don't slap yourself" that made me feel even worse cause I made a poll a couple days ago asking if I should slap myself, or say hateful things to myself but I knew it really wasn't right cause you know people slapping yourself based on what others say to you isn't gonna make a difference and you shouldn't, I only slapped myself cause I was being so careless like off in my own little world.
Then, on our way out of class I tried rushing my dad to get out of the place but NOOOPE! Instead we had to stop to worry about who was getting rocket tickets to go to the game the choir was going to and my music teacher was standing right by my dad so I was really sweaty and nervous. I saw Claire got her rockets tickets so she's gonna sit by me and Cara. That was good news but as soon as I rushed my dad to get out of the place my teacher came along and had my dad have that stupid convo then my feelings were hurt, I couldn't believe this grown woman had decided to give away what she thought was true about the whole thing so I ran crying to the bathroom where Cara and Claire followed me and they were like "Helena what the heck is wrong?!?!" Then I was like "THAT TEACHER IS LYING TO MY DAD'S FACE!" In a whiny voice "SHE'S AN IDIOT AND SHE'S DUMB AND STUPID!!!!!!!!!" And then Cara's mom came in saying "Girls? What's going on in here?" All 3 of us said "Nothing" Claire said "It's private it's kids stuff you adults wouldn't understand." Cara's mom led us out of the bathroom then that's when I bumped into my dad and I was saying "Dad she was lying" and my dad was like "Sure she did" in a sarcastic way. I got into the car and I was like "Dad I'm not scared of her if she doesn't quit her lying I'm gonna set her straight." my dad said "No your not she's an adult and you need to learn  to respect her." Then I started crying "Respect that?Dad she is humliating me in front of everyone!" My dad believed me but didn't seem to care. And I was gonna take revenge on that teacher some how. Like flush her phone down the toliet. No, maybe not cause I'd get in trouble but something like spill water on her seat anything to take revenge on that bully teacher.


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