I wonder when the drama is ever going to end.

Well my mom caught me cussing at the bullies so I was grounded for 1 week and a week was so hard for me I could see lies people were saying about me and everything. So Savannah started this drama up last freaking month. And it's not ending. And I don't want people to think i'm the bully when I'm not so that's why i'm not ignoring her cause she'll accuse me of things she really did and pretend like she's all upset!! I just hate it when people fall for her FAKE innocent side! But I'm lucky I have more people on my side than her side. This drama is getting real popular, I mean on a mean girls picking on me and my friends video I made my friends are commenting saying "OMG f you bullies" and "I'm here to fight!" and "Eww that little turd Savannah" that's how popular it's getting I have more comments on that video than any other video I ever made. And I find all these comments on posts Savannah made about me like my friends are sticking up for me I'm not saying I have a problem with that I love the fact people are sticking up for me but the drama is collecting and getting popular. I hope a gang of my friends get her to leave me alone.

So anyways, That's what Savannah said to my friend Bree and Bree replied saying "Your a dirty brat who cyber bullies my friend just who do you think you a are?" I hope nobody ever joins Savannah's side Savannah is not on as much probably cause I have friends with better come backs than her.


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