Don't listen to Savannah Rules

Savvy thinks she can get me to loose friends and she did. I have lost my friend Stephanie. Cause Stephanie just got so tired of Savvy she just decided to leave things up to us and ignore the bullies. But it would have been worse if I ignored the bullies. Cause even though I stand up for my self  people still go "Oh really? Wow she's a total bi**h!" And nobody believes me thanks to her! I think she's all part of an evil plan. Cause there was a girl named Madison Ruby who got on at first and Madison Ruby killed her self after a fight we were in. But she bullied me. CYBER bullied me. So I heard she killed her self cause she was depressed cause I never told her to kill her self all the bullies are gossiping around saying I did. I mean lots of people on g+ hate me and I dunno why. But I hate Savvy more than anything! Cara just decided to be nice and be Savvy's friend instead and I already tried being nice to Savvy but Savvy didn't care. So then when I say "No I will not be Savvy's friend" Savvy turns around and says "Helena is an un forgiving bi**h" And I was like "WHAT THE CRAP? HONESTLY? DO YOU THINK YOU SHOWED RESPECT FOR ME? GOSH!" I dunno why Cara chose to be a bullies friend when she is a nice person but I am really angry now. And Cara did say she hated Savvy behind her back but she would not believe me!  She just said "You need to suck it up and deal with it"
So Laci says I pick on EVERYONE. And she is like Miranda isn't the bully you are and that's not true. I mean these jealous wanna be's are probably all friends. I bet Miranda and Kayla were the first 2 to start the big g+ evil non hearted plan. I Don't know I guess. But I guess bullies were already planning something on me ever since I joined g+ and it hurts to hear the bullying will never end until I'm probably in my late teen years. Well hopefully. But whatever you do no matter if she has pictures of what I've saying or not it's fake cause whatever pictures of what I've been posting or not it's only part of the fight so don't fall for it even if a comment says I've ditched you. Cause none of it is true if it ever says I ditched you she wrote it you can tell cause if it's green comment bubbles it's her.


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