What do you when you feel alone in being bullied

Help! My name is Brianna and I feel alone I'm getting bullied called fat and stupid and I have no friends but everyone else I know does have friends I'm thinking about cutting. I hate how I have no friends at all and nobody likes me. I am alone and left out I cry almost everyday and I get beaten up and I don't know what to do I want someone to help me! I am alone! WHY!!!!!!!!
Hey! Of course your not alone! Lots of people around the world get bullied I am even bullied but I am strong enough not to listen to people like those! You can't let people walk all over you you're using your self as a door mat. Standing up for your self is most likely to stop a bully if they even lay a finger on you that's when you start going into attack mode ASAP! If they're trying to beat you up punch them and kick them and do all you can you stop them and once you do run to the princapls office and run fast!Even if no running is allowed in the hall way. You need to get away from un safe people. And let adults handle it. It's not being a tattletale it's reporting. Tattling means your telling on someone to get them in trouble just to have a good laugh about it reporting means you are trying to keep your self safe and others. So no your not alone just follow these steps and your gonna be safe and most likely no more bullying is gonna happen your not stupid and ugly and worthless your perfect just the way you are. You choose who you want to be. Not others. Lots of people get bullied. It's just a thing your gonna have to learn to get used to. Snobs and cliques and bully troops they all do these mean things because they were bullied to and possibly they are abused. They feel sad too. But crying and getting upset is giving them your power. Keep your power and stay strong! Just rember those things aren't true. 


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