What to do when you get in trouble for standing up for your self

OMG my name is Isabella I'm 12 and I'm secretly on my phone while sitting in a corner. I knew exactly where to go for help! So these 2 boys threw pencils and paper at my head and they were like "LOSER! YOU STINK!" Then I was like " Well your fat meanies no one cares about" So I dunno why the teacher only heard what I SAID so the boys looked innocent while she orderdered me to sit down in a corner because we were gonna do a science project and it sounded fun and now I'm gonna miss it! HELP! ~ Why me?
Well Isabella I may only be 10 and you may only be 2 years older than me but I am used to this kind of stuff. Teasing in person is different than teasing online. If they say that and throw stuff at you ignore it or be calm and don't yell. But if what they did hurt you you need to tell a teacher. Maybe some of your friends would call you a cry baby for doing it or the bullies but you still need to before it leads into hurting you worse. If you don't yell the teacher will NOT notice if you ignore there is no way you could get in trouble! And if they blame you for stuff simply say "No it wasn't me it was them they're bullying" Cause if you don't then you will get the trouble you don't deserve. If they call you bad bad names stand up for your self but DON'T go "OH YOUR SO STUPID UGH I HATE YOU BUTT HOLE! EWW!" No! Cause if you did you'd get in a lot of trouble and you'd be letting them know that it's working it's getting you mad! But INSTEAD say "Wow okay well I thought I was pretty cool ya know so yea wow" Being calm is better cause EVEN if the bullies name call you still don't cause your still likely to get in trouble. Your friend Helena :-)


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