My 2 best friends fighting over who's better

Okay so I am so irritated right now my friend Cara was the first one to point out the fact I liked Claire better than her but that's not true it's just because Cara is busy with softball and sometimes Claire just needs to get out of her house but anyways Cara isn't as sensitive about it as Claire is. Claire thinks I like Cara better than her because she's prettier and nicer and funner and that's not true I like them both the same their both pretty and nice and fun nobody is better than another I think Claire just thinks I judge people how they dress and look but no I judge them by their personality and if their fun to hangout with but Claire just kept saying yesterday in the bathrooms "Helena you don't have to lie to me I completely understand why you like Cara better than me it's my fault for over reacting" because she sorta did when I tried explaining to her that when I came up on the 2nd floor of the church we were performing at I yelled "CARA!" And didn't say anything to Claire cause I don't get to see Cara as much and because Claire was off doing her own thing if I know a person that well and if I see them off doing their own little thing I don't get exited but I do if they get exited as well first. But it's hard, my mom just says cause we all hit puberty and our hormones are acting nutty but I know but I hate this having to deal with 2 tween girls fighting over who I like more. Cara and Claire have not been able to talk this out as a group and I bet we'll barely even get a chance to unless we schedule a meeting on Sunday the 16th and Claire and me skip church and all 3 of us girls talk this out by our selves but I have a feeling this is just gonna turn into a fight
Claire and Cara barely know each other. And that's because we never get to hangout together as a trio I've been to both of their houses they've both been to my house but Cara has never been to Claire's house and Claire has never been to Cara's house. I mean it's bad and they barely know each other and yet they are already arguing over who's better! Claire is different that's why she's being the most sensitive about it but their both unique in their own way and I swear I'm not lying! I mean I really hate that my 2 best friends keep fighting with me and soon to be fighting with each other about who I like better I mean seriously! And me and Cara already get caught trying to talk in boring choir about important convo's because me and Cara hardly ever see each other and now worrying about a fight in choir? That's even worse!!!!!!! See Cara in the picture is shorter and normal for almost being 10 in a half and I'm normal for the height of a early 11 year old but Claire is the taller one in the picture with the black shirt and just a little tall for her age and that's why she thinks I like Cara better!! Claire please just stop it same with you Cara please! You guys please get along please!!!!!!!!!!! This isn't the normal 3 girlfriends friendship because these group of girls hardly know each other exept me I know them both very well but Cara and Claire don't a normal trio of girls all know each other perfectly well and all been to each others house I hate this! Look out for more in girl drama diaries!


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    1. You know thats kinda rude to blog about fights and embarasing to me :(

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