
Showing posts from 2015

I never get invited to my co-op friend's sleepovers/parties!!!!!!!!

This just makes me feel worse about myself as a person this one guy invited some people to a sleepover party a guy I knew from co-op. as you can see in the picture his little sister Madilynn, her friend Lanie, Lexi, Angela, Story, and Ally are sitting here and Lexi and Angela's little brother  was sitting there too and I'm pretty sure Billy Joe was there too. Billy Joe is a shy girl from my co-op I haven't told you about yet I joined co-op on August 28th, 2015 and made a few friends there like my friend Sadie she plays drums and I play bells we play next to each other but she can never seem to handle my hyperness during co-op. but anyways lets get back to the subject. I pretty much was 1 of the only ones that wasn't invited to this sleepover which makes me feel terrible. not to mention I already feel left out during lunch time at co-op cause I see everyone having a good time with their friends with their secret handshakes but me. Once I actually felt left out one da

Really bad pool drama!

This was terrible as f*ck! But I can already tell worse will happen in my life so it happened to the end of the time I was at the pool and Alex was swimming over to this group of teenagers and kids like 2 or 3 teenagers 2 teenage boys and 1 teenage girl and 1 little girl and little boy and Alex HAD to open his mouth me and Alex were swimming and then the little girl said "Swimming over the line with your girlfriend?" and I said " I like someone else" and Alex shouted "SHE HAS A CRUSH ON A 15 YEAR OLD BOY!" And the little girl said "And how old are you?" I told her my age and she said "That's just wrong." and I said its only 4 years apart. Then more people got involved I splashed that girl that did that cause I felt as if she was insulting me cause she sounded rude then she turned around being all bossy like and pointing her finger she's like 9 and she's like "If you splashed me you better stop" then I said "Yo

Madison Trawick the bully and murderer

Madison is so fricking annoying! Just because I expressed the fact that I was a little jealous that Madison gets to play with my best friend Dylan (I'm hoping to bump into one day) and so one day Dylan got on hangouts and said Madison tried to kill him with a knife and Dylan had to take it from her and Madison did it TWICE. So then all of the sudden Madison just popped she exploded and started cyberbullying me on Facebook FOR NO REASON! She called me a brat, fat, ugly,stupid SERIOUSLY??? And the most untrue insult she threw at me was that I'm fat I am NOT fat just look at me! She needs to get her facts straight and stop being a fricking bully she threatened to beat me up OHHHH trust me if she tries that she will LOOSE. And she sat there and called me a whiny brat on Facebook she's no good guys don't even be her friend she's evil and a bully she is known as Madison Trawick the bully and murderer

My friends are being rude about the pool friend group?

Ok so I'm really sick of my friends especially Alex giving me the sassy mouth about the friend group! The friend group at the pool ok so the only reason I created the friend group at the pool was to have more players for games incase I have a lot of friends show up at the pool and we all wanna play but we need to find a game to play, so it all started in June at the swimming pool and it was the night for watching the movie at the swimming pool past closing time and we just arrived at the pool it was about 5:00 and I saw both my friends Emily and Juliana at the pool so I quickly apply my sunscreen and get into the pool I tell Juliana "Wait here I'm gonna get Emily to play" and so we group up and I introduce them to each other and we played for about an hour and then our friend Rachel arrives and we all play but then I have to go for dinner so I eat a quick dinner come back and then play with them some more so it was really fun we played at night we jumped in the pool d

Moviestarplanet problems!

Ok so seriously! I have Mr.pilot accounts on msp so I can have pilots in my videos and artbooks and stuff. Well, I got locked out of it! (AGAIN!) So I had to make a 3rd account for him, and this time I decided it'd be a good idea to find pilot items for him to wear and stuff, well I found this pilot hat for 350 bucks on msp there was just one problem. YOU HAD TO BE VIP TO GET IT!!! I already went through all the trouble to get VIP for my actual account now lifes telling me I have to go through trouble to get it for this fake account??? COME ON MOVIESTARPLANET!

Nobody wants to play with me at the pool!

Ok seriously for the past 2-3 days my friends haven't shown up at the pool! Yesterday I tried getting Kayla to play with me she was my only friend at the pool but she said she was too busy practicing her snorkel and then after she was practicing her snorkel she started playing with her parents! So I tried these two 6-8 year old girls playing with each other and I asked if I could play they said "Ok" and every time I tried playing with them they swam away so I stopped playing with them and sat and waited for one of my friends to arrive then it comes time to go and I'm actually HAPPY to go because of how bored I was! Well today was even worse! Because TODAY my little sister insisted we go to the pool when we already went yesterday and it was boring as heck! So of course I went today looked around to see NONE of my friends were at the pool not even Kayla this time! So I get in looking around waiting for anybody I swim and still nobody! But in the middle of the poo

What to do when someone you're trying to play with keeps ignoring you.

Help! My name is Chelsea and there is a girl named April I play with at the park and at the pool, she is the only one that does,but the problem is is that everytime I try to tell her something she says "Oh" no matter what it is then she walks off with her other friend she doesn't even include me in anything if I had to be included she'd leave it up to me to come on but with her friend she'd always say "Come on bestie" with me she'd just walk away, I really don't know what's going on with her but I really wanna be her friend and she never acts like it, so when I run off to sit on the swings waiting for her to include me she never comes.~Chelsea Waters Hi Chelsea, so this girl named April doesn't feel like she wants to play? Well that's a sign of a fake friend right there. If she is ignoring you and not paying any attention to you then that means she's trying to find a way to tell you she doesn't wanna play with you but it&

Getting treated like a little kid (again)

Last time I was treated like this I was 8 years old. Well now it's happening again now that I'm 11 probably because I'm new to an older kids class, but still they're going back to the way I was treated in grade school and this time should be different more teenager thing kind of stuff to be scolded to wait for when I'm older not this crap. So once they thought I was recently 9 and just turned 10. Wtf I'm 11 in a half nearly 12 no where close to younger 10's. And these girls? 13-15 years old one time Izzy asked me an embarrassing question in front of the teenagers saying "Helena aren't you gonna come into my class?" The class was for 3-10 year olds. The class I was in was for 11-18 year olds. I responded "No that's the grade school class and pre-school class I'm too old for it" then Billy the teacher laughed and Remy said "you don't really get too old for that class till you're like 16" I thought "Serious

Not so swell swim team day

So it started in the water after swimming maybe 10 laps I noticed goggles at the bottom of the pool I didn't think anything of it at first but on my way back I notice Jenneye picking them up then I realize they're hers! I was already suspicious because Piper's goggles have been thrown in the deep end a couple of times so then as I'm coming back again I see jenneye's fin at the bottom of the pool on the older kids lane so she picks them up then I accidentally bump into her and she said "just please don't touch me" and it got me really offended. The past few days I noticed they've been talking amongst themselves and I asked what they were talking about and they said it was a "mean girl" and I grew suspicious and didn't think anything of it. but then as I was gonna go back inside coach Ian grabbed me and told me to stay where I was then he bends down and says "explain to me why you're throwing other people's swimming equ

Horrible church day!

I can't believe it! Every fricking time I go into the uniteens/Y.O.U classroom which is the classroom I gotta go in now since I'm in the age range for it I'm pretty much the only one without a flipping phone in that classroom!And since I don't have a phone it bothers me to hear "OMG Cara just posted the coolest thing on instagram!" instagram this and instagram that! I hear from even my friend Claire who just turned 11 and just got a phone and what has been pissing me off is the things she is telling me! A month or 2 before we moved into the uniteens/Y.O.U classroom and were still in the grade school classroom Claire just got her new phone and just before church I thought that I still had someone with me that didn't have a phone but NOPE! Now both my friends had phones and I was seriously pissed! Not only that but she is faking not liking her phone very much to make me feel better cause I know she loves her phone! she was in the classroom going "I just

Lock in castrophe

So I arrived at the door of the lock in house and I see Mia opening the door she's a snotty girl from church and she said "Oh it's you" and I was like "Yes it's me" and so I come in and I see Mia's other snotty friend everyone over there was 14 and I found out I was the youngest there so I went to this castle room and started crying cause I was afraid I'd be alone and feel stupid esp since lots of girls there were snotty not all but most and I had a stuffed animal wrapped around my arms throughout the whole time I was baking and I had to start from scratch since I'm allergic to wheat and gluten and the mixes and even frosting wasn't gluten free so I had to make my own stuff and my legs and the balls of my feet hurt so much I had trouble walking on them so when we get into the bar room the room we were sleeping in I'm laying out my sleeping bag and pillow and I just got my pajama's on and then we turn out the lights then turn on a

My aunt Amber lied about my video call????

So I made a hangouts call yesterday and all that and there were a few bad things in the call I won't say. So me and Dylan were joking around a lot in the call and I kept laughing at Dylan's face cause of the funny faces he was making and I said his face was cute and so we did the call and all that, and the next morning I wake up and check my chat messages and then my mom comes in sounding serious and she said "Helena, Amber just texted me saying you were insulting Dylan's face in the video and blah blah blah" And I was like "INSULTING? What the heck I was NOT insulting Dylan's face we were joking around!" and she was like "Well whatever, Take down the video call because I don't want any of your friend's mom's seeing this" and so I did for the sake of my future but I kept thinking "Why would Amber say I'm insulting him? She is the meanest Aunt a girl could ever ask for!" I couldn't believe it. I even called

Swim team disaster!

So I arrived at swim team since I never really have any problems at swim team I went in thinking it was gonna be a fun time but NO!!!!!!! Instead I get and we do a 100 (4 laps) of normal kicking on the kickboard and 3 people end up getting in front of me so I was like "No biggie at least I'm not last" but I spoke too soon cause Harry was going like my same speed so I tried speeding up but it tired me out so then another boy gets in the pool and ends up beating me also so he is the 4th person in front of me still I wasn't bothered cause I wasn't last yet. So we go for another 4 laps of normal kick on kickboard and Harry was trying to get in front of me on purpose so I tried speeding up desprate not to be last and then before I do my 2nd lap the swim teacher says "Helena let Harry pass" and so I did I still wasn't last because I got in front of a girl named Hannah before starting but then on the way back from the last lap Hannah almost beats me there a

Horrible playdate!

Ok so I arrived at this person's house and it was a playdate at my mom's friend's house aka Erika's house so I went I knew Sidney but this one girl with blonde hair? No I figured out her name was Brianna it started when I was sitting and talking Sidney opened her mouth and said "You're talking right now but I want you to hush" and then they started whispering "Omg she is soo annoying!" and I'm like "What the heck??? you're annoying too!" so then Brianna just shoves her hand into my face and I stop it and then they start whispering things about me again then I push Brianna down from where she sat and they both screamed I got on top of Brianna and said "You'll be wearing this if you don't quit" I held out my fist and then got off of her. They stopped. But then Brianna tried grabbing my camera and I tried snatching it then I tried biting her hand before I did she said "Biting my hand won't help anythi

Morgan from my swim team

I had an incident of Morgan's ipad ending up in my bag we returned it and blah blah blah. But one time Morgan told me to leave her alone I have no clue why it was before the ipad incident and after we returned the ipad the day we were selling chocolate covered almonds at a gun place we got to see guys shooting guns and it was cool. Kara a girl from my 2nd grade who wasn't really my friend I used to throw fits in 2nd grade cause I couldn't manage my anger as well as I can now. And Kara and her friend Autumn would be a little rude about things and not know it I've gotten into fights with a girl named Sabrina who was highly annoying and a bully once I got angry at her when she purposely put her hands on top of mine on the monkey bars also knowing only one person could be on the monkey bars at a time so she knocked me off while still going I knew she did that cause she is a mean girl so I pushed her off then she started fake crying and I get in trouble Kara doesn't know

Claire is the fake most worst person ever!

I can't believe it! At first I was thinking when Claire blocked me I was like "Oh maybe her mother blocked me cause she didn't like my posts I bet Claire still likes me and blah blah blah" But NO!!! Instead I get on hangouts and start a chat with Cara who told me Claire was mad at her cause she was quitting choir and get this! Claire told Cara "Okay, your gonna have to choose me or Helena?" not only that but it gets worse! Claire said "Helena is a very bad person" and I just can't believe she said that! After all I've done for her let her be in my videos, do things her way in the videos too! and I even let her borrow some of my clothes and bras and guess what everything I let her borrow is now lost! I pretty much even let her come over to my house since her mom had to go somewhere and couldn't bring Claire so there goes all the everything I would have let her do next! Claire is such a little crap! I just couldn't believe what Ca

Avery the annoying girl of my dance

So I decided to quit ballet since that Avery girl always opened her big huge fat mouth and it was also boring in there so I still have to deal with that brat in dance jazz she always gives me dirty looks and looks like she is being nice and funny to everyone but me I bet Emerson told her to do this so whenever Avery does something mean to me everyone will believe her and not me, Avery gets away with being so loud in class but if it were me I'd get in some deep trouble i don't know how mean girls do it but Emerson sure can do sh** and that girl if she says a word to me she is gonna take in some pretty nasty words cause that girl annoys me people say just ignore bullies that doesn't get you anywhere they think they make you upset and too scared to stand up for yourself. if you stand up for yourself someday they'll learn not to mess with you and leave you alone. I wish none of this was happening I know in the future Emerson is gonna start nasty talking me she is a cowa

I didn't make it into my possibly new choir and Cara gets to hangout with Claire and not me!

So after a few days later of tryouts I decided to ask my mom if I made it or not and the answer was a big fat NO And I was shocked I was like "WHAT?!?" I mean come on! Maybe I made a few mistakes in my tryout but I wasn't THAT bad! Those people are picky about tryouts I know it's a city choir but still everyone makes mistakes what do they expect a perfectly well tryout? Was it that or because they saw me doing something they didn't like? I don't even know! But whatever it was they didn't like it! Just great! So my mom gave me an option either I stay in old choir or quit choir I said "I am just gonna quit" If I was gonna stay in that choir I wouldn't take it with the bratty teacher so I was just quitting so I quit and Cara my friend was very upset she said "I don't wanna have to put up with that brat myself!" I feel sorry for her because I know the feeling Claire never gets harassed by the bratty teacher so she doesn't know s

Going to a new choir (POSSIBLY!)

Well after what happened where I had to hold my bladder at Bays my mom decided to move me to a different choir and I was like "Just great! I have 2 friends who joined because of me and now I'm MOVING TO A NEW CHOIR???" My mom said "Well it's either you stay in your old choir and put up with your old choir teacher or move to a different choir" So I followed along with it but Cara was disapointed Claire my ex friend (Her mom didn't want us to be friends anymore) was moving to a new choir in her city so Cara was gonna be alone I could only imagine what it felt like for her to be alone in that class with no one to speak to after class and had to put up with that bratty teacher herself. Anyways, it took a little while to get to this new choir tryout and when I went in I found out I was early so I took a seat and then some girl in a green dress and black tights and boots sat next to me she said her name was McKenna I told her my name we talked until some girl

Having to hold my bladder at my choir performance

So I arrived at the rockets game which is where we were performing and all of the sudden I realized I needed to use the restroom really badly and I was like "Great because now they won't let us use the restrooms" which I was right because when I met up with Cara it took forever to get inside and I had to go so bad I had to squat and pee 2 short pees covered up but that didn't empty my bladder enough because when we went inside I turned in my ticket and I still badly had to go I was doing the potty dance and I asked the music teacher (The bratty one" nicely if I could use the restroom and she was being the brat she was and said "You should have used the restroom before you went like a big girl" and I was like really I'm not a little kid and Cara really had to go too and so we both said "But we did" Then the music teacher said "Then you don't have to go" Then I said "But I have a small bladder" Cause I do and Cara sai