I never get invited to my co-op friend's sleepovers/parties!!!!!!!!

This just makes me feel worse about myself as a person this one guy invited some people to a sleepover party a guy I knew from co-op.
as you can see in the picture his little sister Madilynn, her friend Lanie, Lexi, Angela, Story, and Ally are sitting here and Lexi and Angela's little brother  was sitting there too and I'm pretty sure Billy Joe was there too. Billy Joe is a shy girl from my co-op I haven't told you about yet I joined co-op on August 28th, 2015 and made a few friends there like my friend Sadie she plays drums and I play bells we play next to each other but she can never seem to handle my hyperness during co-op. but anyways lets get back to the subject. I pretty much was 1 of the only ones that wasn't invited to this sleepover which makes me feel terrible. not to mention I already feel left out during lunch time at co-op cause I see everyone having a good time with their friends with their secret handshakes but me. Once I actually felt left out one day feeling like nobody liked me and wanted me dead because of it I try to smile and be nice to everyone but I don't think people like me back.


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