Morgan from my swim team

I had an incident of Morgan's ipad ending up in my bag we returned it and blah blah blah. But one time Morgan told me to leave her alone I have no clue why it was before the ipad incident and after we returned the ipad the day we were selling chocolate covered almonds at a gun place we got to see guys shooting guns and it was cool. Kara a girl from my 2nd grade who wasn't really my friend I used to throw fits in 2nd grade cause I couldn't manage my anger as well as I can now. And Kara and her friend Autumn would be a little rude about things and not know it I've gotten into fights with a girl named Sabrina who was highly annoying and a bully once I got angry at her when she purposely put her hands on top of mine on the monkey bars also knowing only one person could be on the monkey bars at a time so she knocked me off while still going I knew she did that cause she is a mean girl so I pushed her off then she started fake crying and I get in trouble Kara doesn't know I have more self control when it comes to wanting to throw a fit so yea Kara ignores me half the time I'm with her on my swim team and I said "Hi Kara" and she totally ignored me along with Morgan ignoring me as well while they were leaving for us to take hand in selling those almonds it got me pissed and I knew Kara and Morgan were up to something.
Totally ignoring me like that was a sign they are esp since Morgan always goes around with a dirty look on her face and Kara wasn't very nice to me in 2nd grade she didn't know how to say no to being friends with me and I always got in trouble because they claimed I was lying. Thats how I was miserbale in 3rd grade I hope that 6th grade this August is gonna turn out well I won't be homeschooled anymore I'll have to go to an actual middle school so most likely I'm gonna have even more drama than what I had in elementary and 3rd grade even I could forget my locker code, mean girls could act innocent but be devils to me and my friends, I could get lost in that school rumor has it that the art teacher at my future middle school will throw chairs at children who bisbehave or do the wrong thing. I sure wouldn't want chairs thrown at me, I am just so pissed I have to go back to regular school regular school really sucks. They make you do all 4 lines of long divison and times tables. But yea I'm keeping my eye out for Morgan and Kara


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