"The Breakup" Girl Drama Diaries Talk featuring "Madison Trawick" and "Nicole Huber"

Okay so, ever since I was 11 I have been going through a rough patch with Dylan and his little friends. And it's been stressing me out a LOT and I mean a LOT....Back in July 2015 Madison Trawick and I got in an argument with her because she assumed I was "Jealous" when in reality, I was mad that she tried to kill my boyfriend (at the time) with a knife! So I told Dylan to stay away from her cause clearly that girl was crazy, he already told me she flirted with him a lot and now she's tryna kill him in his sleep? No way! I told him to tell his parents but he refused so Madison clearly got away with attempted murder.
But, regardless that I was only trying to protect Dylan, Madison Facebook messaged me and said things like "You're ugly, who do you think you are? I'll hang with Dylan if I want to" and I got so mad that this girl that tried to do bad things with my boyfriend had the nerve to just talk to me like that! So I fired back and then an argument started and she started trying to Facebook call me she wouldn't talk shit on messages, she'd do it on video call so she'd be more capable of hurting my feelings.

Then one day, I recieved a video call from Dylan. Thinking it was just him, I was wrong, in the background was Dylan, and Madison holding the phone. Madison began to cuss me out and call me "baby prostitute" and "Hoe" and "ugly" and wouldn't stop, I told her to leave me alone and she didn't listen, so about 10 seconds into more of being cussed out I asked Dylan where he was and he said "What?" and I just hungup the call and started crying my eyes out, I thought Dylan was on her side or something then she somehow figured out my phone number and started spamming my phone with nonstop phone calls, and I picked up and she started cussing me out nonstop again, so I yelled at her to leave me the fuck alone and she wouldn't stop, so I hungup and started crying even harder. I asap called Dylan and after about 3 rings he answered and kept telling me to calm down cause I couldn't stop crying at all, I couldn't even speak properly to tell him what even happened, so when he finally calmed me down, I explained to him what happened, and after that for weeks I was arguing with Madison, but then that's when Madison got in her friends to start ganging up on me and calling me the bully when I wasn't bullying anybody.
Caitlin however, is very oblivious to the situation and has no idea the things Madison said and did to me, she takes it from Madison's perspective and believes every lie that comes from Madison's mouth. at about September of 2015, Cody and Dylan's parents said that if I didn't stop arguing with Madison charges would be filed against me, so I had no choice but to block her and move on, I was done arguing with her and her pathetic friends who had no idea what even happened in the first place. At about November 2015, when I had just turned 12 years old she attempted to apologize to me but when I brought up Dalton and the bad things he was doing to Dylan, she started bullying me all over again. I had had enough
I'd always have constant breakdowns that I couldn't see Dylan in real life cause of how much Madison bragged about it. She sent two voice clips that to this day I haven't forgotten. Because I wouldn't come to Florida to "fight her" she sent me two voice clips.The first one said "That means you can't see Dylan uhhhh" and the second one said "But I cannnn" and it made me FURIOUS. Around January 2016 is when I started having my first panic attacks and breakdowns about not being able to see Dylan in real life, and there wasn't anything we could do because we lived so far away and he was only 16 and had no way of coming to see me. I had panic attacks, mental breakdowns, and crying sessions because of it, I would cry and throw my pillow around the room for hours on end, and Dylan wasn't really helping the situation by saying he was starting to see more girls and on top of that he liked it too. I already had anxiety and ADHD, but after that I developed depression and got a vibe that Dylan might've been cheating on me because he was acting sorta strange
I started doing self harm, like knife to my arm and at first it wasn't that severe of cuts but they were something. I cried, wished I could just kill myself already, and was constantly depressed and sad everywhere I went, co-op, store, anywhere I'd go I'd be dwelling on what's going on with Dylan and Madison and all of them, and Dylan seemed like he didn't give two shits. So he started to become a better boyfriend sometime in March or so and in March of 2016 I was getting ready to go on my trip to California to go to Disney Land. Dylan would always FaceTime me, but once I got on the plane I couldn't talk to him until the 3 hour flight was done. So once I got there, I started getting anxiety about not being able to see Dylan because of we flew even further away from him than we already were, so I started having a silent breakdown in my bed and started kicking myself and started going on about how I wished I could see him, and he then claimed he was getting a "permit" to come see me, but this permit took like FOREVER. By July of 2016, he still hadn't gotten this so called permit and was very slow at even TRYING to get the thing....he didn't know how I felt apparently, and then something else struck. Madison started sending me mean messages on hangouts saying I was ugly, again she was starting arguments back up. So I screenshotted it and showed it to Haley who was Madison's cousin or something. then she told Cody who does NOT help situations, of course when Cody found out he blamed ME and made a threat on my YouTube that was outrageous. it scared my family so much they called FBI to take a look at this comment

in August 2016, I was getting so worked up past my limit that when we visited an 8th floor building in Galveston, I was almost about to jump from the top because I was so depressed at how I was being treated. Co-op started back up that month, so at first when I went to co-op everything was ok, I got to see all my friends again. But then sometime in September 2016, my stress levels were effecting me terribly, what was going on between Dylan and I was making my eyes water and I cried secretly at co-op that day, then at about 5th period something just SNAPPED. After waiting several minutes for my turn to do the "annoying game" everyone was climbing all over the walls and not listening, so instead of the drama teacher giving warning she just said "Alright, let's pack it up we're just gonna sit in a circle and go over stage cues instead" and I said "But, I didn't even get a turn, can you give me a chance at least?" and she said "Nope, let's just pack it up" so we sat in a circle and I just started breathing fast trying to calm myself down, then when I started breathing faster i fell on the floor and started hyperventilating and having a panic attack, and everything above me when fuzzy, my friend Isaiah was sitting right by me and then a guy named Cameron rushed over to me and told me to look up and spread my arms and legs out cause that helps during panic attacks, then they tried to get me to stand up but I couldn't even walk so my mom and Cameron carried me over to another room to calm me down and when I couldn't stop hyperventilating they had to call an ambulance to come and check me out and thankfully they were able to calm me down and I went home ok, but when I told Dylan about it he sort of laughed and kept talking, so I asked him "Do you even care you've been stressing me out, and it caused me to have a panic attack in front of EVERYONE?" And he said "Yeah, I do care" but I could tell it sounded fake. So we started arguing again, then about a week after that I get a hangout message from Dylan saying "I'm in the hospital cause of back issues" and I said "Oh I wish you the best of luck babe" then I sent him love emojis and tried my best to make him feel better.
But then, he also told me he was in the hospital because of stress issues, and it was MY FAULT and I apologized to him and I told him I didn't appreciate him blaming me for something that wasn't really my fault, cause I was already going through shit of my own that i was trying to work out, and he kept telling me it was my fault back and forth, so I ignored it because I didn't wanna make him more stressed out then he already was, but then I got on a group chat with all my friends not even knowing Dylan was in this group chat I told them "Dylan is saying it's my fault he's in the hospital but it's not my fault and it's pissing me off" and then Justin said "Helena, I've got one thing to tell you. HE'S IN THE HOSPITAL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" And that just set me off. I started to cuss Justin out and then he started saying "Oh, I'm sorry I'm sorry!" then Nicole (Cat Lover1544) came up into the hangout and said "Well you know, it IS your fault he's in the hospital Helena" And before I even went off on her, I just removed her from the chat cause I wasn't gonna let myself get bullied. Then Dylan popped up on the chat and said "Dude" then added Nicole back to the chat, and I said "WTF?? I removed her for a reason!" and then Nicole started sending Dylan medical advice, so after that I removed Nicole from the chat and removed myself from the chat, and private messaged Dylan and told him why Nicole was not good news, and that she was only making things worse. and he claimed he already blocked her and I said "ok" and he said goodnight to me. At about 10 PM at night, I get a message from this girl named "Sabrina" who was Nicole's real life adult friend, and she told me Dylan and Nicole were talking smack behind my back on Facebook and I said "What??" and asked her to send me the screenshots, then she sent the screenshots she said Nicole sent her then I started crying as soon as I saw what the both of them were saying about me, Dylan lied about blocking Nicole and called me names and said he didn't love me all behind my back, and I just went outside and started crying, then my dad pulled me back inside and forced me to go to sleep without the iPad and without the computer and I had to sleep in the room with him so he could keep his eyes on me if I tried to escape and get on the iPad or anything. That night, I couldn't stop crying and I went to sleep at about 3 AM, then I had a dream that I committed suicide by jumping from a waterslide tower because of Dylan and Nicole, then I woke up at 7 AM and right then and there got on my iPad to check on what was sent on hangouts, I confronted Dylan about what he did with Nicole on Facebook, then once he found out he broke up with me and I started crying so hard, my feelings were hurt, and my heart was broken. After all those long hard months of frustration, tears, panic attacks, and more he wanted to leave  me. At the end of the day, I found out Dylan started dating Nicole and that really pissed me off, and I started crying, since I didn't wanna get my iPad taken I went to sleep and decided I would deal with it in the morning. When I got to co-op the next morning, I was arguing back and forth with Dylan on hangouts about Nicole, and 2nd period was even worse. I walked into class with tears in my eyes and Isaiah noticed it and said "Helena? H-H-Helena?" then I just lost it and fell into his arms and started crying, then he started playing with my hair and then an adult came in and walked me out of the class. Long story short, I became devastated over it, and now they're trying to spread horrible rumors about me, Nicole is now Madison's friend and I'm having a hard time knowing even where to begin.
Then Madison over here had the nerve to message me about it.
Then of course, when I defended myself she said I was bullying her, LMAO.


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