
Showing posts from September, 2014

What do you when you feel alone in being bullied

Help! My name is Brianna and I feel alone I'm getting bullied called fat and stupid and I have no friends but everyone else I know does have friends I'm thinking about cutting. I hate how I have no friends at all and nobody likes me. I am alone and left out I cry almost everyday and I get beaten up and I don't know what to do I want someone to help me! I am alone! WHY!!!!!!!! Hey! Of course your not alone! Lots of people around the world get bullied I am even bullied but I am strong enough not to listen to people like those! You can't let people walk all over you you're using your self as a door mat. Standing up for your self is most likely to stop a bully if they even lay a finger on you that's when you start going into attack mode ASAP! If they're trying to beat you up punch them and kick them and do all you can you stop them and once you do run to the princapls office and run fast!Even if no running is allowed in the hall way. You need to get away fro

What to do when you don't know what to say to annoying boys

Help! My name is Ruby and I'm 10 I was in swim team the other day and these group of boys like 9-10 were going all sarcastic "Hi Ruby!" Like they could care less. And I'm guessing it's because I'm ugly or stupid or something wrong with me but it was a mistake to come the time I did. I wanted to be with my best friends but no! Instead I'm stuck with annoying mean boys!~Lonely and sad Hey Ruby! Don't say that about your self! They aren't laughing at you like that cause your stupid and ugly they might like you and feel stupid to say it. It's normal at your age for boys who like you to be that way. Don't worry when you get older boys will treat you nice instead. I know it feels stupid but try to ignore it or if it really hurts your feelings say "Wow that's so very mature of you how old are you (put in their age) or 2 years old?" I'm also your age. The same happens to me. I know it hurts but think about how they might like

I wonder when the drama is ever going to end.

Well my mom caught me cussing at the bullies so I was grounded for 1 week and a week was so hard for me I could see lies people were saying about me and everything. So Savannah started this drama up last freaking month. And it's not ending. And I don't want people to think i'm the bully when I'm not so that's why i'm not ignoring her cause she'll accuse me of things she really did and pretend like she's all upset!! I just hate it when people fall for her FAKE innocent side! But I'm lucky I have more people on my side than her side. This drama is getting real popular, I mean on a mean girls picking on me and my friends video I made my friends are commenting saying "OMG f you bullies" and "I'm here to fight!" and "Eww that little turd Savannah" that's how popular it's getting I have more comments on that video than any other video I ever made. And I find all these comments on posts Savannah made about me like m

Being Jealous everyone does it once and a while.

Okay so in swim team. I had just brought a new swim cap that said "Girls rule the pool" And I was hoping my mom would buy me a kitty cat one but she just got me that swim cap along with a pink mesh bag which I was luckey cause pink is my fave color and then along with pink tennis balls needed and a pink kick board and a pink pull buoy. So my mom bought me a pink brand new swim cap even though I already had one. But hoping for a cat one and my mom told me "When we find one we'll buy one" So I had to deal with it or else my mom's complaining about being thankful for what you get went on. So a couple weeks later I see a girl coming in early for her time in swim team just when I was about to leave. And she had on a purple or pink cat swim cap. I got so jealous I'm not a bully or anything but I kicked in her pull buoy and let it float away when she wasn't looking. I didn't wanna say anything mean cause then that would really make me a bully. But I did

Don't listen to Savannah Rules

Savvy thinks she can get me to loose friends and she did. I have lost my friend Stephanie. Cause Stephanie just got so tired of Savvy she just decided to leave things up to us and ignore the bullies. But it would have been worse if I ignored the bullies. Cause even though I stand up for my self  people still go "Oh really? Wow she's a total bi**h!" And nobody believes me thanks to her! I think she's all part of an evil plan. Cause there was a girl named Madison Ruby who got on at first and Madison Ruby killed her self after a fight we were in. But she bullied me. CYBER bullied me. So I heard she killed her self cause she was depressed cause I never told her to kill her self all the bullies are gossiping around saying I did. I mean lots of people on g+ hate me and I dunno why. But I hate Savvy more than anything! Cara just decided to be nice and be Savvy's friend instead and I already tried being nice to Savvy but Savvy didn't care. So then when I say "No

What to do when you get in trouble for standing up for your self

OMG my name is Isabella I'm 12 and I'm secretly on my phone while sitting in a corner. I knew exactly where to go for help! So these 2 boys threw pencils and paper at my head and they were like "LOSER! YOU STINK!" Then I was like " Well your fat meanies no one cares about" So I dunno why the teacher only heard what I SAID so the boys looked innocent while she orderdered me to sit down in a corner because we were gonna do a science project and it sounded fun and now I'm gonna miss it! HELP! ~ Why me? Well Isabella I may only be 10 and you may only be 2 years older than me but I am used to this kind of stuff. Teasing in person is different than teasing online. If they say that and throw stuff at you ignore it or be calm and don't yell. But if what they did hurt you you need to tell a teacher. Maybe some of your friends would call you a cry baby for doing it or the bullies but you still need to before it leads into hurting you worse. If you don