
Showing posts from January, 2017

My co-op crush...

Hey guys, it's Helena again, and I just thought I'd give you all an update about how I'm doing and this time it's about my intense crush on this 17 year old boy from my co-op whose extremely sweet and cute I just can't seem to get his attention half the time, I know he's a little old by a year lol but I can't help it honestly, my depression has gotten the best of me and I've been self harming a lot lately The day before co-op last week started I had a breakdown in front of the computer cause I was literally so scared about how co-op would go for me, as it was the week after I got a pic with Isaiah, and 2 weeks after I attempted to ask him out. The furthest I've gone with Isaiah was a hug and that's about it. Co-op went okay, but I had a very hard time getting Isaiah to notice me, he DID however sit with me at lunch but that's about it. In drama, he devoted all his attention to this Angelika girl who was older than me by two years. *Si

Lexis Armstrong is still at it with her spreading nasty ass rumors

So it's been at least a week I'd say, of Lexis and her cyberbullying. And She's still going around spreading nasty rumors about my friend Caroline, my sister Chloe, and my MOM! She found images of Veronika Black claiming my mom was posing as this lady when those weren't even images of my mom those were images of an Australian model!!! Yolo swagg (aka Lexis Armstrong) needs to seriously back up and find better things to do with her fucking life! I'm so sick of it. Zark and Micheal even believe all the lies which is worse. Lexis still hasn't fucking stopped, and I've already blocked her several times and and called this drama off but apparently enough just isn't enough for her! Like seriously. Sorry if I was being racist while I was TOO MAD TO EVEN THINK, but that's not even DAMN near as bad as you fucking insulting someone's dead sister! Like SERIOUSLY GET A GRIP PEOPLE! My mom (woman in the pink sweater) is more caring than any other mom

lps legit needs to go away...for real

Okay, so drama is getting worse. I've gotten a few blogs putten up about me now and they're still fucking insulting my dead sister  +lps legit  went and talked shit with her blog posting posting a bunch of lies about me, and I block people because I don't have time for bullying, what the FTF you talkin Bout! And leave my sisters the hell out of this! Lexis indeed HAS been bullying me, but she's spreading nonstop rumors calling my friends and I racist we didn't do a single thing! She started it by insulting my dead sister and now people are thinking that I'm lying but I really do have a fucking dead sister! Like you never treat someone with a dead sister like this, and yes her picture WAS FOUND on google because my dad had it up on his website if she spreads any rumors just don't believe her be on the lookout for  +Lexis Armstrong  everything she says is a literal LIE! And her screenshots are fake. And she called me a white cracker, so I had all rights

Lexis Armstrong and her cyberbullying...

So this 15 year old girl named Lexis Armstrong has been harassing me and spreading rumors about me, and she thought I was lying because she found one of the pictures on a website. and now she just won't quit spreading lies and telling people about me, I'm so sick of it honestly if you run into   +Lexis Armstrong  block her right away. I already have depression, and don't have time for this bull. Oh and as for you  +lps legit  have fun with your lesbian girlfriend that you chose to take sides on with >:-(

"The Breakup" Girl Drama Diaries Talk featuring "Madison Trawick" and "Nicole Huber"

Okay so, ever since I was 11 I have been going through a rough patch with Dylan and his little friends. And it's been stressing me out a LOT and I mean a LOT....Back in July 2015 Madison Trawick and I got in an argument with her because she assumed I was "Jealous" when in reality, I was mad that she tried to kill my boyfriend (at the time) with a knife! So I told Dylan to stay away from her cause clearly that girl was crazy, he already told me she flirted with him a lot and now she's tryna kill him in his sleep? No way! I told him to tell his parents but he refused so Madison clearly got away with attempted murder. But, regardless that I was only trying to protect Dylan, Madison Facebook messaged me and said things like "You're ugly, who do you think you are? I'll hang with Dylan if I want to" and I got so mad that this girl that tried to do bad things with my boyfriend had the nerve to just talk to me like that! So I fired back and then an argum