How's life so far? Answer: You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

Whoo! I haven't posted on this blog in a while. In fact, I just had my 14th birthday. Things have been wild, things have totally changed throughout my life and I've got a lot to update, I should probably start getting on Girl Drama Diaries more often because venting here has always been better than bottling up my emotions, and hoping my problems would go away soon. I've been doing Girl drama diaries videos altogether since I was 9, but I've been doing them on here since I was 10. So, happy 5 year anniversiary to Girl drama diaries itself! And 4 year to this blog and YouTube channel. So, it's currently the 2017-2018 school year of co-op, I've stopped having a huge crush on Isaiah, and it has went down to a little crush. Why? Because I got sick of him ignoring me all the time and not giving a fuck, anyways I found a liking in someone else, and now I've got a boyfriend. I was done playing kid games with Isaiah, cause I knew what he was trying to fucking do. Anyways, things have set. But, my boyfriend, you see is public schooled. He's 16, his name is Tayne, and he is popular at school, and I find it pretty hard to see how he became as popular as he as, because most popular people these days are snobs and spoiled brats, but he's not like that. Just your average, funny guy, and somehow he's got popularity. High schoolers are heartless, so I really don't see how. But I'm not surprised that half his friends don't even notice me, and I'm invisible to them. He's friends with this popular YouTuber named "Moto Max" and that guy hardcore notices Tayne. I'm not even joking. But he doesn't even bother to speak to me, what the hell? Also, this girl I met in person from an outpatient center, knew a girl, that Tayne knew, and I tried to get in touch with her, but she didn't really talk to me. I don't understand how he could become popular, but I know for me, I'm an outcast :,)

Life has actually sorta sucked for me. Have I also mentioned, my parents put Wi-fi restrictions on me now during the day? All so I can do more shitty schoolwork. I've also changed my first name to Tiara, cause I just like it better that way. I used to be "Helena Edwards" but it's now officially "Tiara Edwards"


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