Girl drama diaries tales from a not so good Emily Baugh

oh my gosh, I can't even begin to say where Emily is an utter complete horrible person. So I have this friend named Alex, he's now in middle school and he's been friends with this Emily girl since first grade, so for about 5 years or so. Well, I recently met this girl last month on an instagram chat called "the every1hangout" and Emily and her sister Mallory seemed like nice girls, I wanted to be their friends maybe meet them one day since they live in my neighborhood. Well, Alex didn't respond to his instagram and 2 weeks flew by he still hasn't responded, so at this point I think something is going on, so I get on the group chat and I ask Emily and Mallory what happened to Alex, Emily says she has no idea but then Mallory says "He's sitting right next to Emily lol" then I say "Ok" then Emily rudely says "Can you just shut up?" and I didn't know who she was talking to so I just ignored it. Well I get the impression Alex is dating Emily and they're ignoring me.
So a few days go by and my best friend Dylan is at a shelter in the middle of a hurricane (Hurricane Hermine) and I was already worried about him because he was right in the eye of the storm and the worst side of the hurricane and then Alex's dad comes rushing to the door asking where Alex went and asking if he's at our house, and we said no so me and my mom had hopped in the car and went and searched for Alex because his dad was saying he went missing. So we finally found him walking down the sidewalk with another friend and we asked him to get in the car so we can bring him back to his dad, I asked why he wasn't responding on Instagram his reply was "I'm not using it anymore that's why" and I said "I heard a rumor you sister made you delete it" and he ignored me and looked out the window, he was brought back to his dad and everything was confusing, I was really starting to think he was ignoring me. So, that night I confronted Emily about it because I wasn't about to let her ruin my friendship with Alex, I care about my friends. I asked her to give me an explanation why Alex is ignoring me and she said "Make me" then an argument broke out and she's saying stuff like "You're really annoying, so can you just be quiet?" then it got further I found out... SHE'S HANGING WITH MY BULLIES FROM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! I couldn't actually believe she was associated with those kids, and now I could see why she was being a cyberbully. She said things like "Hell to the no... god no.. nobody wants to be you.. just ew" like wtf?? She should have seriously looked in a mirror in the first place. My other bestfriend Dylan told her not to lay any hands on me when she asked for my address knowing she lives in my neighborhood she threatened to come and fight me, and believe me I would have dropped her to the ground if she even tried. She's about the same age as me, maybe a bit younger. But anyways, I can't even believe Alex's friend would say those kinds of things to me, Alex came over a few days after that and we talked things through and he exclaimed that Emily wasn't his friend anymore because she chose her boyfriend over him. Now Emily wants to come to my door and fight me and idk what the eff is going on!


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