What do to when your family is disrepsectful

Hello, I'm Marvin a 18 year old boy I recently graduated high school (thankfully) after years and years of stress with my family it all started when I was around the age of 8 years old when my family sort of turned on me, I thought the first day they did was just a simple family fight but boy was I wrong when my older brother whom is now 25 years old started becoming abusive he punched me in the stomach if I didn't do what he wanted I'd tell my parents and they'd laugh and tell me I'm being a crybaby and I need to get over myself we lived in a small trailer home out in the woods and we didn't have a lot of money, my parents let the rudest people into our house including fat girls that start drama on Facebook not to mention my parents always cussed and argued with each other my parents even smoke tobacco and so does my sister Riley and her fake cousin Daya. I thought Daya was my cousin for around 8 or 9 years until I found out the truth my parents were talking about how the reason why they looked at Daya as family is because she met Daya's parents long before I was even born and then Daya rolled around and that's why Daya comes to my house pretty much everyday. but I got myself a girlfriend when I was 15 she was 4 years younger than myself so she was around 11 years old I still date her to this day and Daya is her same age just a few months younger at the time Daya started bullying my girlfriend Chloe was when I started dating her she would call my girlfriend names, push her, and insult her for no reason on Facebook I still told her I love her back because she's my family but she didn't treat me right either she didn't treat anyone right she started smoking at 12 and my girlfriend would tell me just because they're family doesn't mean you have to love them and I don't know if she's exactly right it just feels wrong to not love my own family though Daya isn't blood related to me but Riley my 19 year old sister is so does it mean I should love her and my parents? including my abusive brother?

Hi Marvin, it's Helena (girl drama diaries) and yes your girlfriend is right, you don't have to love them because they're family or your parents have known them for a long long time, if a family member/best friend has been treating you like trash, bullying you and/or your friends then you don't have a reason to love them your family doesn't need to be loved by you, your thoughts and feelings toward people is your choice not theirs regardless if it's your mom and dad, your brother, your sister, your cousins, your aunts, your uncles, your grandmother, grandfather, even your own child you don't have to love them if they decide to treat you like trash that's their problem not yours, them being your family shouldn't prevent you from disliking them, or staying away from them, or cutting the ties with them. Even if they are nice to you you don't have to like them it's all up to you but if they didn't do anything wrong and are respectful you should like them but you don't HAVE TO, if your brother abused you that right there gives you a pretty good reason to stop talking to him and stop liking him as your brother or as anyone your parents don't seem like a very good influence on you if you ask me and you certainly wouldn't want them around your kids if you want to, you should probably consider cutting the ties with all of them and don't give them any information otherwise they could end up harassing you by stopping by your house, and they could end up abusing your children.



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