
Showing posts from November, 2014

Harassment with people who just don't understand cheaters.

Okay this pisses me off like this is driving me nuts no one understands Reggie is the mean bully the cheater I even had a pic of his cheating and his excuses for doing so but NO!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone has to harass me about this dumb crap! Be on the stupid ghetto Reggie's side! If any of y'all have these issues I'll help but right now I'm pretty busy and pissed with these people See he sent that to a girl while we were still dating oh and another thing he fell for this girl lying about the fact I was flirting with a guy named Remy maybe he liked so he fell for her he also lied to me about his friend hacking I could tell because all his friends have accounts and he would have wooped their butt and he said his girlfriends name was Irl and that's the most made up name I ever heard in my entire life he is a real cheater cause he had a girlfriend while dating  +Grazilda Greens  I just kept quiet until Grazilda found out about the whole thing and Reggie said she never li

The creepy slumber party!

Okay so I had my late birthday celebration and everyone went home... Then later at night we decided to call upon bloody Mary okay so we made mistakes doing it we did one with only 2 candles but we needed 3 so we did 1 with the water on and one with the water off and after we did we were in the game room. Claire decided to go to the restroom which is the bathroom we called upon bloody Mary it was my bathroom! So me and Cara went down stairs and tried to see if we could get a quick snack while Claire was gone at the restroom we came back up and saw Claire laying down frozen and breathing heavily. We asked her what was wrong and she didn't reply but we kept asking and she finally responded with something that scared the life out of all of us. She said on her way out of my restroom she saw something from my old rose petal cottage and she said she saw red glowing eyes with a lady that looked like a drunk attic she had very dark purple hair and purple lips with yellow teeth and diamond e

My 2 best friends fighting over who's better

Okay so I am so irritated right now my friend Cara was the first one to point out the fact I liked Claire better than her but that's not true it's just because Cara is busy with softball and sometimes Claire just needs to get out of her house but anyways Cara isn't as sensitive about it as Claire is. Claire thinks I like Cara better than her because she's prettier and nicer and funner and that's not true I like them both the same their both pretty and nice and fun nobody is better than another I think Claire just thinks I judge people how they dress and look but no I judge them by their personality and if their fun to hangout with but Claire just kept saying yesterday in the bathrooms "Helena you don't have to lie to me I completely understand why you like Cara better than me it's my fault for over reacting" because she sorta did when I tried explaining to her that when I came up on the 2nd floor of the church we were performing at I yelled "C

Ballet disaster

Well you know I'm in a hard level of ballet, I don't have pointy shoes and all no. But it's when you have to learn to posse' on your tip toes and take a risk of letting go of the barre' and I'm not good at that at all so I took my risk like the teacher asked us to do but my credit was this I was wobbling and fell straight onto my butt and it was a hard landing so I got up and said "I'm not doing this again"  then the assistant teacher came up to me I thought she wanted to fix how I was standing so I gave her a little smile but no! Instead she came up to me and said "Helena, I know you did that on purpose okay don't do it again or I'll have a talk with your mother" then I was like thinking to my self "Really lady? You thought I did that on purpose? If you do your dead wrong I so did not I will slap the crap out of you!" So to make sure that lady knew I meant business I kept giving her glares everytime she looked at me ha