
Showing posts from March, 2015

Swim team disaster!

So I arrived at swim team since I never really have any problems at swim team I went in thinking it was gonna be a fun time but NO!!!!!!! Instead I get and we do a 100 (4 laps) of normal kicking on the kickboard and 3 people end up getting in front of me so I was like "No biggie at least I'm not last" but I spoke too soon cause Harry was going like my same speed so I tried speeding up but it tired me out so then another boy gets in the pool and ends up beating me also so he is the 4th person in front of me still I wasn't bothered cause I wasn't last yet. So we go for another 4 laps of normal kick on kickboard and Harry was trying to get in front of me on purpose so I tried speeding up desprate not to be last and then before I do my 2nd lap the swim teacher says "Helena let Harry pass" and so I did I still wasn't last because I got in front of a girl named Hannah before starting but then on the way back from the last lap Hannah almost beats me there a

Horrible playdate!

Ok so I arrived at this person's house and it was a playdate at my mom's friend's house aka Erika's house so I went I knew Sidney but this one girl with blonde hair? No I figured out her name was Brianna it started when I was sitting and talking Sidney opened her mouth and said "You're talking right now but I want you to hush" and then they started whispering "Omg she is soo annoying!" and I'm like "What the heck??? you're annoying too!" so then Brianna just shoves her hand into my face and I stop it and then they start whispering things about me again then I push Brianna down from where she sat and they both screamed I got on top of Brianna and said "You'll be wearing this if you don't quit" I held out my fist and then got off of her. They stopped. But then Brianna tried grabbing my camera and I tried snatching it then I tried biting her hand before I did she said "Biting my hand won't help anythi

Morgan from my swim team

I had an incident of Morgan's ipad ending up in my bag we returned it and blah blah blah. But one time Morgan told me to leave her alone I have no clue why it was before the ipad incident and after we returned the ipad the day we were selling chocolate covered almonds at a gun place we got to see guys shooting guns and it was cool. Kara a girl from my 2nd grade who wasn't really my friend I used to throw fits in 2nd grade cause I couldn't manage my anger as well as I can now. And Kara and her friend Autumn would be a little rude about things and not know it I've gotten into fights with a girl named Sabrina who was highly annoying and a bully once I got angry at her when she purposely put her hands on top of mine on the monkey bars also knowing only one person could be on the monkey bars at a time so she knocked me off while still going I knew she did that cause she is a mean girl so I pushed her off then she started fake crying and I get in trouble Kara doesn't know