
Showing posts from December, 2014


NO WAY MAN!!!!!!!!! The 2 dance class bullies! So they created google accounts and started saying I liked Dylan and wanted to date him which isn't true so Emily is Julie's little friend and they have always found a way to be complete crap faces. Not to metion they are complete demons to me when I look at their faces they think their oh so cute and innocent but in reality they are a couple of demons they try acting sweet to everyone and picking of course it has to be me the girl who is always so unlucky to show off who those girls really are inside whenever their around their "Friends" they hide who they really are pretending to be all sweet every girl I tried warning about the fact Emily is mean and says stuff which is true about her and not me to everyone but almost everyone I met just says "Emily? No she's really nice" But 1 other girl knows that Emily is mean too she tried warning them but they refused but said "Julie is mean though" Yes the

A teen bully

So you know Miss. Holly my used to be ballet substitute teacher but I moved up so I have a different substitute and they all think I did things on purpose even when I got older cause I make the stupidest mistakes I'm so clumsy that my accidents look like I did them on purpose like trip over my laces 3 times, knock against the walls, fall into spaces, and fall over in a ballet postion we're forced to hold without the `barre so anyways, the 1st thing that went wrong was laying down, the teenagers were laying down getting massages and no teachers were aware so I thought since they were laying down we should get a right to so I laid down since I was tired I stayed up till 11 at night because I had to see a performance my friend Claire was performing at and it lasted 2 whole hours and on the way home I fell asleep in the car so I laid down maybe 30 seconds later Miss. Holly said "Helena get up!" like the way mom would say it I was like "Hey we should get as much as a

My stupid idiotic music teacher

Wanna know why I'm under a lot of stress? Because I was getting bullied by kids at choir? No worse. I was getting bullied by my MUSIC TEACHER. That's right you heard me, MUSIC TEACHER. I am under a lot of stress right now because of her, it started out in music class the first disrespectful thing she did was when I was facing one girls side cause everyone had a partner Cara already did but the music teacher had me turn around and face Cara's back which didn't make any sense to me so I was like "What?" and she rudely said "Just do what I tell you to do okay!!!!!!!!" Since she was an adult there wasn't much I could do other than hide the pain she created inside me. Then I was up against the wall and by hand was sliding by and turned the light switch off by mistake and the music teacher got all mad and said in front of everyone looking at me "Helena why would you do that?" I got nervous and finally said "I um... I t-turned the light o